Pages 9-14
In pages 9-14, when Jeannette's parents abducted her from the hospital, it surprised me. They believe they are doing the right thing, but Jeannette would get better care in a hospital than at home. A good parent would keep their child in the hospital for their safety. I believe the Wells parents just didn't want to pay the fee for Jeannette staying at the hospital. I believe the Wells parents are a prime example of bad parenting. When Jeannette was in the hospital she won a free helicopter ride, but her parents used it without her. Rex and Rose Mary were selfish parents in this chapter. They went on the helicopter tour without Jeannette and took her out of the hospital so they didn't have to pay for Jeannette to be healthy. Her parents need to care more about their children and change their attitude.
Pages 75-120
Pages 32-53
In pages 32-53 something that really suprised me was Jeannette's mom's attituted towards the death of her child Mary Charlene. This is another example of Rose Mary Wells's bad parenting. She shows no sadness or denile after the death of her daughter. All she says is that god gave her a bad child and realized that so he took it back. A good parent would be sad or show some kind of emotion after the death of their baby, not make a joke about it. Rex Wells, Jeannette's father, struggled emotionally after the death of Mary Charlene. He was very sad, depressed, and was changed forever. However, her father started to drink, stay out late, and lose jobs. This is an examaple of caring, but he let himself go; This is something a bad parent does. After the death of a child a parent should care but they shouldn't let themselves go and affect the rest of the family more negatively. Bad parenting like this is also shown when Jeannette is playing in the car and falls out. Her parents took a long time to come back and get her. The obviously knew she had fell out of the car, I believe they were debating if it was worth it to pick her up. This also shows bad parenting, when they picked her up they simply told her they couldn't hear Brian. They told her they didn't know she fell out, Jeannete could've been killed when she fell out of the car. Her Parents need to do a better job not being selfish and worry about their kids.Pages 75-120
In what ways is Billy's upbringing worse than that of the
Walls children?
Billy and Jeannette s parents are similar but different at the same time. Both of their parents' have trouble giving their child attention and caring for them like a good parent should. Both children need more supervision and attention at their age. However, Billy's upbringing was worse because he was taught no street smarts, common sense or manners. Jeannette was not cared for but she at least learned from her parents. Billy's parents did not teach him right and wrongs. Especially when Billy laughed at his dad, Jeannette knew it was wrong and she would have never done something like that to her father ever. Also both of their Fathers are drunks but Rex does show he cares for Jeannette a little, teaching her not to be afraid and giving her stars.
Pages 155-213
How do Jeannette and her siblings tolerate abuse?
First, Brian was sexually abused by Rex's mother Erma, who abused Rex as a child too. Lori stands up to Erma after she tries to molest Brian. This is what I would have done, even if I was to be kicked out of the house like them. If my sibling was being abused I would definitely stand up for them no matter what. Also when Jeannette back-talks her mother, Rex takes her into the kitchen and threatens to show her who's boss. Jeannette doesn't believe her father would actually hit her. He takes his belt and hits her 6 times, and her mother felt victorious about it. At this point I most definitely sympathize with Jeannette, she has bad parents. If my parents started to beat me and my siblings I would do whatever i could to leave and find a new home.
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